Research Policy




       The increasing pace of scientific advancement signifies our inherent desire for exploration, and it significantly influences both economic and social progression. The seeds of scientific discovery, technology, and innovation are often spread during undergraduate studies, highlighting the importance of fostering this growth. Research acts as a wellspring of knowledge, infusing new vitality, establishing cutting-edge facilities, encouraging research publications, fostering partnerships, and contributing to a vibrant community united by a shared mission. With these factors in mind, the Nandha College of Pharmacy has established its Research Policy.

Scope and Purpose:

     The Research Policy at Nandha College of Pharmacy is designed to stand-in a dynamic research culture among both faculty and students. This policy acts as a comprehensive guideline for conducting research activities within the institution. It is mandatory for all faculty members and students of Nandha College of Pharmacy to adhere to it.


The goal is to cultivate an atmosphere within the Institute that encourages a research-centric culture, supported by a robust research framework and guidelines. 

  • We aim to provide a highly efficient and effective support system to assist faculty and researchers in their research endeavors. 
  • We attempt for publications in top-tier journals, those indexed in Scopus / Web of Science and/or boasting a significant impact factor. 
  • We seek to establish industry collaborations and partnerships at a national scale.