Library as a Learning Resource
Library is the resource hub for knowledge and has a vast collection of books, journals, magazines, periodicals. Library has facilities such as CAMPES I LIB software and OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) which is used by students & faculty for search of books by title/ author name etc. Separate reading room is available for undergraduate, postgraduate students and teachers. Separate e-library is also available with facilities such as subscription for e-journals, e-books.
The learning process is supported by a rich and voluminous library with all-time internet facility for students and staff. Our library is supported by a more than 9889 textbooks, references, books, national/international journals, periodicals and other readable articles online through internet.
Library has a seating capacity of more than 100 students at a time. 7 computer terminals with latest software and free internet facility,Xerox and Printing facility are available for student use. Library is equipped with a printing and photocopying facility for the convenience of the students and well-furnished to improve the comfort level. Internet facility with free downloading is provided to the students. More than 389 online journals, E-Books and other E-resources are available from N- Digital library for the students through library subscription and national and international printed journals are made available for the students free of cost for their literature survey.
OPAC computerized system is provided to the students, which facilitates them to have a glance at the number of books available, number of issued books, new books added to the list which helps them to issue the correct book when required. In addition, we have provided departmental library to individual PG departments of the institute for the smooth functioning. Library is spread over 1680sq.ft. area having separate issue return section, reading section, reference section, computer online section.
Library has a free access system for the students where they can choose the book that is required by them for issue. Every student can issue maximum 2 books whereas final year students can issue 3 books to facilitate them for GPAT preparation.
Library also promotes the donation of the old used books by the faculty, students and alumni for more enrichment of the library and also develop the attitude of giving among the staff and the students. Library is installed with Integrated Library Management System for smooth working of library that includes accessioning, issue return, OPAC, data generation, stock verification.
Volumes- 9789
Titles- 4231
Journal Subscription-46
International Journals-20
Indian Journals-26
E-Journal Subscription- 389
BENTHAM E-Journals-37
No.of Books CD-128
No.of Newsletters-215
CAMPES I LIB,No.of S/w-1